Summer Stress Prevention Plans
The summer season can be one of the most challenging times for turf managers with summer stress. Planning and product application during the Christmas and New Years’ period are essential for maintaining healthy turf that can withstand stress. Below, outlines a strategy, focusing on key products to offer turf health and performance.

MATCHplay Superior Liquids. If it’s not the perfect nutrition solution, it’s pretty close,
It all starts with the correct nutrition.
Superior Liquid use throughout summer.
A well-rounded nutrition program is absolutely essential for maintaining turf health during the summer. Thankfully, MATCHplay® Superior Liquids provide everything your plants require to form an excellent foundation for turf health.
• Humic Acids: To improve nutrient uptake, and root development.
• Cytokinins: That stimulate cell division and enhance turf recovery.
• Seaweed Extracts: To boost your turf’s natural stress response and promote consistent growth.
• Nutrients: That supply essential elements to meet the increased metabolic demands of summer.
Key Benefits:
• Enhanced nutrient availability and uptake.
• Improved stress tolerance and recovery.
So to rest easy this summer, simply incorporate Superior Liquids into your summer program to ensure consistent turf support throughout the stressful summer period.
For information regarding turf stress management during summer, please click here >>
Moisture Management with TriCure and Terafirm
Effective moisture management is essential during the Christmas and New Year period. TriCure and Terafirm are excellent tools to address water movement and retention in the soil profile. These products ensure water infiltrates evenly and reaches the root zone, minimising localised dry spots and improving water-use efficiency.

TriCure and Terafirm: A winning combination for moisture management.
Key Benefits:
• Prevents the development of hydrophobic soil.
• Promotes uniform moisture distribution throughout the soil profile.
• Enhances water infiltration for optimal soil performance.
Integrating these moisture management solutions into your irrigation schedule can improve irrigation efficiencies and keep turf healthy throughout the Christmas and New Year period.
For information regarding moisture management, please click here >>
Plant Growth Regulation
Managing turf growth during summer is critical for maintaining consistent playing conditions. Trinexapac-ethyl based products such as Primo, Marvel-ous, and Astro offer reliable solutions to regulate growth by reducing vertical shoot growth and promoting lateral development. These products help enhance turf density and improve the wear tolerance during times of stress.

Denser Roots and Shoots: Thanks to the application of Primo Maxx.
Key benefits:
• Enhanced turf quality during peak stress periods
• Improved energy allocation for root and shoot development
• Reduced mowing frequency over the Christmas period.
Apply Trinexapac products as part of your maintenance routine to keep turf surfaces uniform and playable throughout the busy holiday period.
For more information about our Summer Stress strategies and/or any of the products mentioned above, please contact your friendly Living Turf Technical Sales Agronomist.
Both Living Turf® and Greenspace 4D® are subsidiaries of Greenshed Pty Ltd, an Australian business that also boasts leading Brands including, Precision Turf®, Turf Forensics®, MATCHplay®, LawnOnline®, and Challenger® Turf Seeds.