Plant Protection BECAUSE PREVENTION BEATS CURE Fungicides Insecticides Herbicides Growth Regulators Fungicides Fungicide Product Index Product Name Active Ingredient Description ATLANTIS FLO250 g/L AzoxystrobinEffective on a broad range of diseases excluding Dollar Spot.ATLANTIS FLO BALEAR 720SC720 g/L ChlorothalonilBroad spectrum fungicide that provides preventative/early curative control of a wide range of diseases.BALEAR 720SC CLARITYBacillus SubtilisA preventative biological fungicide that controls various diseases of turf.CLARITY COMPASS430 g/L TebuconazoleEffective economical fungicide for use on a range of summer diseases, particularly Dollar SpotCOMPASS CURALAN500 g/L FluazinamLow resistance, economical, excellent for control of Dollar Spot and Brown PatchCURALAN CYPRO 200SC200 g/L CyproconazoleHighly active DMI fungicide that protects against a broad spectrum of diseases.CYPRO 200SC FLUDIO100 g/L FludioxonilHighly rated for use on Fusarium, Brown Patch and Melting-outFLUDIO FOSTONICFosetyl-alSystemic, leaf and root absorbed. Use for control of Pythium diseasesFOSTONIC GOLDAZIM500 g/L CarbendazimUseful in tank mixes with chlorothalonil on a range of diseases. Particularly good during wet weather conditions.GOLDAZIM