A dwarf perennial ryegrass variety bred specifically for excellent disease resistance, finer leaf blades for improved density and a very attractive dark green colour.
A nil endophyte Barenbrug perennial ryegrass for sportsfields. Barorlando is a medium fine-leaved perennial variety with excellent ground cover and shoot recovery after artificial wear application. The fast germination and proven wear tolerance guarantees a beautifully dense, wear tolerant turf.
BARSupreme Elite Ryegrass Blend contains three of the most superior ryegrass varieties, Premier 3, Barilibro RPR and Barorlando, on the market today. It is suitable for a vast range of ryegrass turf situations, from a world leading sports stadium to a home lawn, and everything in-between.
HOME RUN LS has excellent overall turf quality, ranking in the top statistical category in recent NTEP trials. The lateral spread (LS) delivers increased sward density and self recuperation from traffic, thinning or injury. It also has great divot recovery and wear tolerance thanks to the LS characteristics.
The hard-wearing premium ryegrass blend for use on sportsfields, tees and or amenity turf areas. Fast germinating and quick establishing, MP ECOSPORT delivers a mid-dark, fine leafed surface every time and it can cope with lower nutritional situations.
MP STADIUM germinates quickly and attains excellent shoot density soon after. It has excellent wear tolerance and competes aggressively with weeds and wintergrass. The dark green, dense sward consistently delivers an excellent cut quality and holds striping well. This unique perennial ryegrass blend of Mediterranean and Continental genetics is designed for use on high quality sports fields.
PREMIER 3 is a third generation of the long standing favourite, Premier II ryegrass. With proven excellent turf performance in independent trials, this variety has high endophyte, deep green colour, very dense tillering and strong disease tolerance. It is recommended for high-end sports use throughout New Zealand.
Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR) is the first perennial ryegrass having the specific characteristic of spreading horizontally via determinate stolons. This characteristic makes RPR many times stronger than other types of perennial ryegrass, while also growing at the same rate. And the result is a regenerating perennial ryegrass that allows for longer hours of use.