A dwarf perennial ryegrass variety bred specifically for excellent disease resistance, finer leaf blades for improved density and a very attractive dark green colour.
Designed for overseeding and species exchange in golf greens. BARKING BROWNTOP has superb shoot density and a close mowing tolerance making it a great choice for greens.
A nil endophyte Barenbrug perennial ryegrass for sportsfields. Barorlando is a medium fine-leaved perennial variety with excellent ground cover and shoot recovery after artificial wear application. The fast germination and proven wear tolerance guarantees a beautifully dense, wear tolerant turf.
BARSupreme Elite Ryegrass Blend contains three of the most superior ryegrass varieties, Premier 3, Barilibro RPR and Barorlando, on the market today. It is suitable for a vast range of ryegrass turf situations, from a world leading sports stadium to a home lawn, and everything in-between.
Top-rated creeping red fescue, exhibiting very high turf quality under a variety of conditions. CARDINAL II has excellent colour and maintains its quality when mowed at fairway height as well as under no-mow and shady conditions. Disease resistant and wear tolerant makes this a great fit for most turf applications.
The dark green color and excellent turf density make COMPASS II a very attractive chewings fescue that performs well under drought conditions. An excellent choice for areas with reduced irrigation. It has excellent disease resistance, maintaining its dark green color year round with good wear and shade tolerance. Good choice for fairways, parks and home lawns.