Great success this season with EN’s for Argentine Stem Weevil Control
The team at Living Turf has supported the use of EN’s (Entomopathogenic Nematodes) over the past 2 seasons and our customers are once again seeing excellent results using this strategy.

See what they have said……
“I was a little hesitant at the start to incorporate EN’s into my programme at Pambula-Merimbula Golf Club to target Argentine Stem Weevils. PMGC has had control issues with ASW for many years, even with an extended insecticide programme. Now our EN programme is in place I feel like we can push our greens to produce better surfaces and promote the bent grass population without the poa/bent greens turning on us in one day of hot weather. The EN’s are controlling the ASW population allowing us to deep water and manage our surfaces with good cultural practices. EN’s have had a HUGE part to play in the condition of our golf greens at PMGC.”
Pat Wilson – Course Superintendent.
“Stem Weevil is one of my major insect pests and controlling them in recent times has become seemingly harder every summer. Here at Pennant Hills Golf Club, we have used and changed our chemical control program continuously, but it always seems to have a few unexpected little breakouts. The past two season we combined EN’s (3 weeks apart) with a core chemical program (November to February) and I must say that the result thus far is absolutely stunning. I have not seen a single larva so far.”
Richard Kirkby – Course Superintendent
“The last two years we have had at times uncontrollable populations of Stem Weevil here at Bermagui Country Club. Last year we had to go with ten pesticide applications to control the numbers. This is our first year trialling the EN’s, and to be honest it just didn’t feel right going it alone with only EN’s considering our history. We are now up to our 4th application of EN’s heading into December with no detection of any larvae. I don’t think our bent grass collars have looked this good for many years.”
David Thomson – Outdoor Facility Manager
Stem Weevil! What a tenacious problem these little insects can be. At Avondale Golf Club, we deal with many issues related to micro-climates and few greens have the same consistent environment to grow in. Weevil has been an increasing problem for us due to the fact that initial damage is hard to recover from on some green on the course. Prevention of damage is the key for us. I have found that the best result we have is when we combine a strong chemical plan through the peak months (Spinner and regular adulticides) with the use of EN’s in a regular program. Results have improved out of sight, and we can now consistently rely on all but eliminating any damage.”
David Warwick – Course Superintendent